Monday, April 28, 2014

Marijuana and Its Effect

Could marijuana legalization affect the human health? The cannabis or what is known as marijuana legalization fight in Texas is still on. The good thing is Texas is still forbidden marijuana even possession of less than two ounces of it could lead the people six months in jail and paying a fine up to $2000. I would agree with Texas law for making marijuana illegal in the state for many reasons.
 First of all, we have many drugs that are enough for the people to “get out of the reality” such as smoking cigars and drinking alcohol. Many accidents happen under the influence of alcohol. Moreover, imagine if someone is under the influence of marijuana like smoking marijuana making people violent as it happen a long time ago “in the new year of 1903 in Mexico when a man spent all the day smoking marijuana then he ends up stabbing the horses and killed a policeman” Isaac Campos said. Some people make a pretext as solution for some medical issues, well there are some medicines prescribed by the doctors for this type of sickness cases that work better than marijuana effect. 

Marijuana also affects the normal daily activity of the body, the focusing on doing work, and could lead to future diseases. Also Texas is doing a survey to reform the marijuana law. I would like to say that I hope many people stands against allowing the marijuana in Texas. The state Senator John Carona said “As a conservative, as a father of five, grandfather of five, I think anything that relaxes drug policy in this state is the wrong direction” also “In fact, I would go further. What we should have done years ago is have a real war on drugs, to strictly enforce these laws in such a way that people would respect them.” 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Comment On "Critique on marijuana legalization" Blog

Legalization of marijuana could develop the economy in the state that supports education and healthcare areas. I support Jaren Lynch blog about "Critique On Marijuana Legalization" that explain the benefit of using marijuana in legal way, which could help in medical purposes. As Mr. Lynch says “Pot has so many health benefits in patients who suffer from different ailments such as cancer and glaucoma; it has also been proven to alleviate many levels of pain,” that such a health condition it is very benefit to legalization marijuana for these medical purposes and help those people who suffer from these kind of health conditions. Although marijuana has a good side effect, it should be under the rules of the government for the usage. Example for what Jaren says, “Having to be a certain age to purchase or possess it,” such as sells it under prescription and for specific ages like alcohol rules. Alcohol is legal everywhere in the United States for a long time that has more effect on the human body than marijuana, so why we don’t make marijuana legal as alcohol and under the same rules better than sell it illegally, like what Jaren also says, “I understand that it is not as dangerous as alcohol and that pot has never directly killed anyone.” 
We don’t want to harm people for the purpose of the government and the economy of the 

state, so the state should make rules to consider the result of the usage

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Texas ban on same-sex marriage.

On Wednesday, February 26, 2014, the federal judge in Texas has made a decision that I don't support it when they argue about the ban on same-sex marriage in Texas and according to the Texas constitution Article 1 section 32, 2005 amendment that says: "marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman." People who decide to get same-sex marriage have been affected by many factors such as the turbulent environment, sexual abuse, fear to handle the heterosexual couples problems, all these reasons can affect people and lead then to same-sex marriage. 
In my opinion, I don’t agree with the decision that the Supreme Court has made against Texas ban same-sex marriage law and there are many cons that reject this kind of marriage, allow same-sex marriage for gay couples to wed will further weaken the institution of marriage. Gay marriage may lead to more influence for children in how being raised in same-sex households, which are not an optimum environment because children need both sex of parents. For example, the Judge Orlando Garcia In his ruling, raised notable arguments from some supporters of same-sex marriage bans: that allowing such unions would hurt children raised in them, that it would stifle procreation and that it "could lead to the recognition of bigamy, incest, pedophilia and group marriage"( I've interviewed many people and asked them about the Texas decision that ban the same-sex marriage; most of them support it for reasons. For example, one of the supporter is an Austin Community College student majored in pre-medical says "I don't support the gay marriage law because i feel sorry for the kids that will be raised by the same sex couple."
  People should not have their tax dollars used to support something they believe is wrong. Society can choose to endorse certain types of sexual arrangements and give support in the form of benefits to these arrangements. Marriage was created to allow society to support heterosexual couples in procreation and society can choose the decision to how could we give the same benefits to same-sex couples? The judge Garcia shot down the defense's case. "Procreation is not and has never been a qualification for marriage" and "tradition, alone, cannot form a rational basis for a law."