Monday, February 10, 2014

New Campaign Focuses on Texans in "Coverage Gap"

          On February 7, 2014, The Texas Tribune was published an article about New Campaign Focuses on Texans in Coverage Gap called “Texas Left Me Out” to teach the Texans who are uninsured and are not making enough money to be qualified for tax credit but not qualified for Medicaid. One of the issues that this campaign takes is the Texans with low income can’t find a health care plan in the market they can afford.  The governor of Texas Rick Perry requested to find a waiver, which let the State of Texas to edit the Medicaid program without going to have permission from the federal government. The governor Perry has written a letter to Health and Human Services Commission to pursue a block grant, which means “using the federal dollars as a block grant which allows the state to give amount of money to poor people to buy an insurance plan instead of giving more people Medicaid which is not acceptable by many doctors. The state of Texas denied billions of dollars from the federal government regarding expanding the Medicaid as Billy Hamilton said; as this means the federal government will cover a hundred percent of the Medicaid expansion then by degrees decrease its portion of the cost to ninety percent in ten years. As the lawmakers in Texas and the Texas Association of business, and medical association in Texas drove the lawmakers to expand the Medicaid in 2013 but it is still a problem to get and drag the attention the conservatives in Texas.   

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